Tuesday, March 21, 2006

President Bush "unsticks" media Stuck on Stupid

Probably one of the best press News conferences by President Bush today March 21, 2006.

In a classic Stuck on Stupid ravings by Helen Thomas who should have retired 30 years ago, attempted to ask the President the Liberal Mantra.... why fight in Iraq, WMD's, etc.

Why this is still a question on the start of the war is beyond me. It is almost a Media that is so stupid they cant seem to move on. Same ole Propaganda as the Moveon.org, DNC.org, etc

President Bush mentioned the reason for Iraq War but like the rest of the Media Morons, she wasn't listening by still trying to interrupt him.

OK, for those Stuck on Moron or Stupid, here it is again.

Point 1:

Why the Iraq War:

THe President learned about the new world of thinking on Sept 11, 2001 unlike the media. At that time, Iraq was shooting at our planes in the "Gulf War 1 treaty", not complying with UN Inspections, and mis leading Nuke inspectors. For a nation not involved in WMD's they sure acted like it. What is it: If it walks like a duck, etc.

We are learning more and more about the link of Iraq to Al Quada everyday. Some 90 per cent of captured audio and video of Saddam meetings are allowing us learn more.

Chemical suits, new Chemical Suits, were found by our troops entering the Red line near Baghdad. Why do they need Chemical suits if no WMD's?

Some say the stall put on by Russia and France permitted most WMD's to escape to Syria. Saddam buried fighter aircraft in the desert, we found that, what would permit him not to bury WMD's to use later in his delusion of returning to power.

Clinton, Hillary, John Kerry, Liberals in Congress like Pelossi, Boxer, Kennedy all said there were WMD's.

We just couldn't sit back after 911

Just the fact that Iraq violated the sanctions, the war treaty 17 times, etc not to mention over 1 million Iraqi killed and rape rooms flourishing.

Helen Thomas.............. The War in Iraq was right. Good Lord lady, stuck on moron is the least of your problems

Point 2:

Bush lied.......... see Point 1 above or call Hillary Clinton.

Nuff Said.

Good Job President Bush. Keep up the good work. Polls numbers do drop because you have the CBS's and NBC's talking down the effort there, so like Soviet Pravda, that is all we see. The clear thinking Americans know the truth, the brave troops know the truth...... the Liberal Marxists don't want to see the truth.

Gosh a Free Middle East..... what a concept.

Nuff Said.

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