Thursday, May 04, 2006

Donald Rumsfeld you are a HERO

After seeing the people Stuck on Stupid protesting the Sectretary of Defense in Georgia today, you just have to laugh. These Liberals still don't get it. I guess it is ok to protest and share an opposite opinion but I think it is a Law that you have to know WHAT THE HECK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

One big fat lady got up yelling that Sect Rumsfeld Lied. She said he lied that the oil will be used to pay for the war...... Earth to Fat chick... IT WILL.

One idiot turned his back on Rumsfeld with a sign on his lapel saying something stupid about impeachment. Earth to moron, we only Impeach Presidents who lie under oath and play around with interns instead of running the Country. I think President Bush had to trash the carpet and disinfect the Oval office when he took over from DO NOTHING Clinton. I wonder why this standing moron didn't stand with his back when Clinton was giving up on getting Ben Laden in the Sudan, or ignoring numerous UN violations by Iraq, or wonder if this moron was standing while Saddam was killing millions of his own people in rape rooms and Nazi like trenches.

The best example of STUCK ON STUPID was the so called CIA retired employee who wondered "why Rumsfeld lied about WMD's, lied about Al Quada link to Iraq, and lied about the war in general"

EARTH to CIA boy: If you were in the CIA in the 90's, what did you do to stop Al Quada and Ben Laden in his numerous attacks on US citizens and others. Why didnt you do anything when Saddam killed his people, why didn't you do anything when Ben Laden was almost handed over to us in Sudan and the CIA did nothing. The morons name was Ray McGovern. Hey Ray, where were you when Pakistan developed the Nuclear bomb and the CIA had no knowledge of this work and were "surprised". Where was Ray McGovern when millions were killed in Cambodia, 500,000 killed in Rwanda and no CIA help.

CIA boy, McGovern, you forget about your hero Janet Reno( who determined that Al Quada is a Law enforcement issue), Maddy Albright ( who negotiated the North Korea deal with Loser Jimma Carter... way to go folks... wink wink), Sandy Berger (who stole papers out of the National Archives which exposed Clintons roll in 911), Susan Rice (who along with Berger refused Al Quada. Why weren't you asking them questions.

I really don't want to hear from CIA folks from the 90's about the State of National Security........ That would be like getting football advise from the Detroit Lions.... All losers.

Lets see if I have this straight........ Clinton, Clinton Hillary lady, Kerry, Kennedy, Berger, Albright, etc all told us that Iraq had WMD's. Also Rumsfeld didn't say it strong enough, but not only were the troops worried about WMD's but Protective Chemical Warfare suits (new ones) were found in mass as the troops entered Baghdad. Also Migs and other weapons were found literally buried in the desert. And don't forget the US liberals, corrupt French and Russians (implicated in protecting Saddam in the oil for food payoffs) delayed the invasion and might have resulted in trucks with WMD's being sent to Syria. After all in the first Gulf War 1, Saddam sent his aircraft to Iran and he hated them. And why in the world would Saddam con the UN inspectors, and not cooperate if WMD's were not there............. THEY ARE OR WERE THERE.

Ex CIA Boy? I think you and your ilks have done enough. I for one Thank the LORD everyday that The President and Donald Rumsfeld are in charge. You DO NOTHINGS had your time and we paid the price. I think this Administration has had the job to clean up the mess Clinton and the Do Nothings left us. I personally will make an effort to remind people each election year as who are the losers that hurt this country and who want to regain power. I really scares me that the CIA had people who get their information and talking points from the Hate America crowd websites.... same ole Yada yada.... Bush Lied, Bush is a Nazi, the war stinks.

Hey I know Mr CIA loser, how about backing this administration so the war can be won and Iraq can be freed. Gee Democracy in the Arab world.... such a novel idea. I would be embarrassed if I would have seen people like you challenge FDR when 4000 men were killed in one day in Iwo Jima or D-Day.

Ray McGovern and Fat lady.... you shame this country.

Live it........Learn it.......... do it.

EDIT: If you want to see a typical moron diatribe ... read the comments... The Left Just don't get it.... They keep saying the things that have been proven.... but they just dont get it. At least he had the courage not to be anonymous

Go to to continue the analysis on this Anti War moron and how they Think... it is scary that these people even can function. This isnt for this forum... more adaptable for MORON WATCH or TRUTHGUYS blog. HOWEVER now that I lowered myself to the Loonie Left in name calling I do admit, isnt it nice that a Free American and a Free Socialist-Canadian can debate and not worry about a militant mullah or Arab Thought police coming to take us away to Saddam Torture University. Freedom for Iraq.... they will catch on in spite of the fight from the Communist-Marxist-Socialist USA haters. Just have to get these folks to love Freedom, liberty, sacrifice for others and truth... then THEY too will come around. But I think their foggy world hazed in lies and rejection of Truth might not help them come around.


asdasdasd said...

ANother Liberal who not only repeats the lies but really believes his lies. Ok, for all those morons who beleive the War is "illegal". I cant believe I have to repeat this for the brain impared. THe War was long overdue, and LEGAL, just for the dozens and dozens of violations in the UN (not US) UNITED NATIONS mandate against Iraq. The UN voted for the war, the congress voted for the war, and the only ones who voted against it were the Super Liberals who are on the wrong side of History each and everytime. Remember when these same Marxist-Socialist-Communinists fought against Reagan in his war against the SOviet Union????? hmmm forgot that huh, bucko.?

The War was legal if not for just the murder and threats Saddam posed to his neighbors.... didnt hear too much protesting when Saddam killed Millions, his sons raped women because that was the only way they could get the girl. Do I have to show you the many ditches and Mass Graves of innocent people Saddam killed? But since that isnt important to Canadian Socialists, then how about the fact that he never cooperated with Weapons inspectors and for 8 years Clinton let him get away with this murder and mayhem and WMD development.

Since the Russians and French were bribed in the Oil for Food program out of the UN (you do know that is truth?) they delayed the invasion. IN that delay it is conceievable that the WMD's could have been moved. THey had plenty of time to do that. And like I said, they have a history of this deception.

Contact Mansour Ijaz who was a backer of Clinton and he has the proof and papers showing the offer to the Clinton "do nothings" to hand over Ben Laden.... FACT bucko. Your propaganda that has warped your thoughts doesnt make it so. And do you want me to email you the speachs from Clinton admitting to the blunder... and the Maddy Albright admission to this and now her re-write of history saying it isnt so?

I cant wait to run the TV commercials showing what these morons say in office and what they say now.

THe trouble with liberals and the fact that some authors call them brain dead, is that they attempt to spin the truth and re-write proven history.

For a guy with no WND's the inspectors sure had a lot of buildings to tour. He also had (and I repeat for those who forget) tons of Chemical Weapons protective clothing... who was that for... to protect against us? Come on man, admit it, Bush is doing what should have been done in 1991.

Yes, as I see on your Propaganda site, Rumsfield did meet with Saddam.... He even said he could kick himself... but it is no better than the worse President in Recent history, Jimma Carter, Maddy Albright and CLinton folks hob knobing with the North Koreans and believing that they will be good boys and girls to stop their quest for the Bomb.

And where was the out cry when women were basically treated like Dogs and killed and beaten in Afghanistan. Where was Canada, where was CLinton and where was the UN, who just announced Iran to the Human RIghts commission.

You Socialists make me laugh... you dont even make the debate difficult. The only hard part is showing you nuts that the truth is the truth and the sky is blue.

I can list the books that show the proof of the link to Al Quada and Iraq, and the WMDs proof, and the CLinton Foriegn Policy that failed us. But none of that would help.
Just stay on the blind leading the blind Marxist websites that reinforce the ignorance of the facts.

COme on make this hard for me.

asdasdasd said...

I did miss the Wire Tapping comment..... You do know, that the wire taps (legal by the way and run in the same way by Clinton and Carter and other Presidents) were focused against Terror states to US communications.... you did know that didnt you.. I dont think, pinheads in Canada (another portel to the Terrorists and punk war cowards) are the target. I think the CIA and NSA figure you people are self destructing anyway so why waste the time.

Come on ... wiretapping, illegal war.... so 2003

asdasdasd said...


You cant be this stupid. You are playing with me right? The reason the Anti War folks cant get traction is because their facts are not facts. THeir 1+1= 9. They take facts and discount them as non existant. It recalls the "debate" like there has to be on about the Holocost against the Jews ... you have morons who totally think that was fake. Even with photos and even with victims the morons think it was a lie.

Now I dont put you that stupid, but you see the example.

As soon as I figure out the way to put a photo on the blog since I am not sharp on the HTML stuff I will show you Saddams caches of WMD suits, burried MIG fighters, and the Weapons found in the "holy" places and Schools. What else would he do? Come on man, take off the Bush hater glasses.

By the way, this Iraq thing didnt start with Bush so there wasnt a need to mis lead", lie, etc. Clinton, Kennedy, Kerry, Lieberman, Gore, the Russians, the UN, the AEIOU... lol... the Egyptians, the Jordanians, the Saudis, the Chinese, EV RY ONEEEEEEEEEEE thought with the latest info and intelligence that Saddam had WMD's..... of course you never answered me as to why he acted like it, hid the evidence like he did, and the total uncooperation by Saddam...If I didnt have WMD's and a battle group is off my coast and I already got my butt kicked in 100 days........ I would fly people in to prove I never had WMD's..... but nooooooooooo, your Saddam boy didnt do that. HE murdered people who claimed he had them, he continued to rape and murder and gas his own people (oh oh, with WMD's he DIDNT have... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... come on you idiot make this hard for me).

Fact: Mansour Ijaz had PROOOOOFFFF THAT Ben laden was not taken by the Clinton but in defence of them, since they didnt do anything to protect Americans, pre 911 was another world. But he did kill Americans and others and Clinton did absoultely nothing.

Oh speaking of Clinton and his great Foreign Policy you treasure......... I didnt hear a thing when he Bombed Yugoslavia and a Chinese embassy.???? Says alot about you, doesnt it.

But back to Mansour, he has the Sandy (archives thief) Berger, Janet (man-boy) Reno, and the others caught cold. WOnder what Clinton told Berger to steal out of the Archives files days prior to the start of the 911 commission. You do know that?

The reason Saddam wasnt disposed after GW1 (Lord, forgive me for having to lower myself to an Marxist and his lack of knowledge in having to answer this.... but for the learning impared .... here it is). Saddam, like the Soviet Communists like Stalin, who Saddam is a wantabe, surpressed his people so much that any backbone was halted in either mass murders and mass graves (that you too probably deny), or killing 5000 people in chemical gas. THe Iraqis dont have any backhone at all. Here 160,ooo AMericans are there freeing them and the people on our side even are holding back because they think we will cut and run. If it were me, I would be fighting the Terrorists from Sudan, Syria, Iran, etc who are killing many more Iraqis...But that is just me. Maybe these people will get some backbone. But the French have been invaded a few times and they still have no backbone, so I am not holding my breath.

REPORTS OF WMD suits... ????? WHAT ARE YOU STUCK ON STUPID.... even CNN and AL Jazzera showed that. They even showed the Rape Rooms Saddams sick boys ran. What are you on. THis IS PROOF THAT YOU ARE JUST IGNORANT OF THE FACTS... how can I debate a person who doesnt even have the basic findings down correctly. REPORTS????????? That is the quality of Anti-War idiots... STUCK On STUPID with selective facts and ignorance of others.... how do you function each day?????? really I have to know. How do you pay your rent, buy grocerys, function when the truth just cant sink in. You cant debate a complete fool !!!!

HEre we go again, Blaming BEn Laden being in Afghanistan.. See you just cant be taken serious.... Remember Clinton sent over a few crusise missiles against Ben Laden and missed and then didnt do anything after that. THat enabled Ben Laden, you fool. Bush was the only one who went after a guy for killing Americans. CLinton seems to have some number in his head that he will act against terror against US citizens at some point. I guess 100 isnt enough. Bush didnt arm BenLaden, we armed the fighters against the SOviets but Ben Laden had his own Saudi money.... find me the money sent to Ben Laden by BUSH 1 or Bush 2 and I will personally go to the WHitehouse or CNN. BUT you are wrong again. BEn Laden only came to Afghanistan with his Taliaban AFTER he was chased out of Sudan and knew we wanted him. God man, you cant be this stupid. BUSH wasnt FORCED into Afghanistan ... that was his first target.....

TO a shock to you I am not a blinded Bush Supporter... he has made mistakes:

1) AFter the CLinton transition and CLinton-Albrights lack of information about the Ben Laden Threat and future threats in Irag, I would have been in Afghanistan with a team to know exactly where Ben Laden was.

(of course, the rapes, the murders of women and oppession by the Taliban seemed to miss the front page of Liberal USA and CBC media)

Prior to the IRaq war, while the WMDs were buried or moved I would have had teams of agents at the borders of Syria and IRan looking for the transport that the Russians already said happend ( you do know that ... ohhh, that are REPORTS..sorry. moron)

Prior to the Iraq war I would have attempted with US eyes the wear abouts of the top Iraq leadership and bombed them or camptured them the minute the bombing started.. That could have stopped the mess we are in now. THey Arabs are pretty stupid and gutless and can be stopped when they know they will be mowed over.... we havent done that... we are still worried what people think.. Me F**k the world and the Commys, and the HATe AMerican crowd. Since they seem to be wrong on everything from Reagan and the Cold War to now, who cares what the Socialist Brain dead people think.

AMerican democracy and our contempt??????? are you nuts. We cant stop people from coming to this country. We are so bad, they come to get educated, get medical care, get a better life.... US Democracy is alive and thriving. No one is changing anything......... ANd Freedom in the Middle East.... that just kills you doesnt it.? Status Quo, murder, rape, killing children, killing women, beheading kidnap victims.,...... maybe if you made noise about that instead of a President who has freed 50 million Muslims and wants a better world, you might be taken seriously.

COme on make this hard, nothing you said is true.

Favor: If you can tell me how to post photos on the sites let me know. I can show you that 1+1 isnt 9.

Anonymous said...

Good post Bill, these guys (gal guys) are complete lacking of Facts.

oh one more thing, Mikey.... Guys dont call guys "sweetcheeks" unless they are confused and a bit Fruity. I think the lack of some DNA does cloud the mind. And I am anti homo, just dont think flaunting the "sissy boy" in a debate isnt helpful. GOD, how do you people "consumate" Marriage... packing the F*d*ge???? Gross.

asdasdasd said...

Mike: Figured out the photos as you can see. HAHAHA

asdasdasd said...

THats what makes the world go around.. I would fight for your right to debate and disagree... Freedom... pass it on brother

Anonymous said...

I am not sure photos, documentation, etc would convince old Mike. THe facts are there, they dont listen and form the opinions from lies... cant debate that.

Shimmy said...

Who kills more life on earth? Rumsfeld, or the avian flu?

asdasdasd said...

We'll lets see, are you speaking before or after he freed 50 million muslims at the cost of some of our best people. We Americans do this all the time, but nooooo you dont remember.
Where were you when Saddam killed his own people and buried them in mass Graves. Where were you when his sons raped women. WHere were you when the Taliban systematically killed women or anyone for any reason. Or did I see you post when 3 million Cambodians were killed after we left Vietnam. ANy word on the Mass killings in Sudan?

Hmmm? Didnt hear about your concern for life them.

Shimmy said...

You're right. Unity is at an all-time high in Iraq, except for the civil war.

asdasdasd said...

Sorry Dog Bait, the Terrorists like Zarkauwi who are from other nations are killing Iraqis daily not Iraqis except for the ones that got their butts kicked my Marines in 2 days.

Shimmy said...

I won't sit on Rumsfeld's lap -- whatever manner of sophistry he uses, I'm not taking the bait. I refuse to speak to Zarqawi or the repugnant dogs who live upstairs.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of facts and figures, proof or propoganda, I am curious Bill, have you served? Did you go to war? Have your children gone to war? Have you seen your friends and relatives return home in a casket? I suppose the %68 percent of the population that currently are opposed to the war and the administration that thrust it upon them have.

asdasdasd said...

Yes, in fact I am a Colonel in the USAF Reserves flying F-15s and I just got back from Iraq letting some pilots with familys come home for the holidays. And my Father flew B29's over Japan in World War 2. and almost killed.

And have you seen Saddams rape rooms like I have, have you seen the mass graves in Iraq like I have, have you seen the tons of weapons buried in the Desert outside of Baghdad like I did. ANd yes I have lost 5 friends in the war. I have gone to Walter Reed Hospital and have seen the troops without legs and Arms... have you gone there to help. Or the men who after coming to the US to recover want to go back to Iraq to their buddies.

Or are you just a blow hard who can point fingers and have done none of these things. The only thing you do is gain an oppinion listening to the Liberal Media talk down the President and the freedom of 50 million people.

BTW, the people who are opposed to the war are the ones who get their brains washed by the Left who is truely the Enemy among US. Where was your outrage when Clinton let Rwanda civil war kill 500,ooo innocent people, and allow Al Quada to florish and gain strength. I think this Bush Adminstration is bascially going to be 8 years of cleaning up the Clinton lack of action against Al Quada, or Hurricane Prep in New Orleans, loss of CIA expertise that Clinton-GOre-ALbright-Berger basically destroyed.

Vote Democrat and you will have the losers in the before mention post back in power and more millions will die due to lack of action. Bush is at least kicking butt and taking names...

So... you serve and did you see people killed before your eyes?

Keep your seasoned life to yourself ... your ignorance is too apparent. Did I answer you Pinhead?

Anonymous said...

you anwsered some. i have not served. i do not want to serve. one does not need to fire a rifle to be a protector of peace and liberty. after spending time working and aiding karen refugees fleeing the burmese junta i believe i can say that i understand at least the pain and misery that conflict brings. i respect your commitment as a soldier, and the commitment of other soldiers. however, after hearing what you have to say, i am surprised to hear of your commitment to war and brutality. leftist or not, i am a humanist before politics start. aren't you?
as for my outrage towards cases such as rwanda, i am not only outraged with the clinton administration's lack of action, but the entire world's ignorance and lack of sight regarding said issue. if you have not already read it, i highly reccomend "Shake Hands With the Devil" by Romeo A. Dallaire. it is this same lack of insight and ill planning that enrages me with the current war in iraq. furthermore i am very disapointed with the way in which the fumbling of this issue has made possible for the conflict in darfur, the potential collapse of chad and all of the possible reprocussions throughout central africa, and finally the current escalation of military activity in burma to happpen unchecked.
i do not deny that saddam is a war criminal, but as we all know, this was not the case for going to war. why have all of the other humanitary crisises been ignored?
it is not the war that people are fed up with, it is being misled. i can assure that the "leftist media" is not the only one guilty of this offence.

asdasdasd said...

And please accepting my apology for calling you pinhead.. I think Americans should be civil and that is getting lost.. I am guilty of that too.... sorry.

I just, as a USAF Reservist, think that when bullys push and kill others, we need to help. I do find it funny whether it be Clinton or Bush, it is quicker to start a fight when Oil is involved. I am starting a site called this summer because we have got to get out of bed with these dictators, and others who hate us just for the oil.

But your frustration sounds like me.... I think no one is doing nothing to stop the pain.

But me, I will die to free 50 million people even if they actually arent worth one American's life....It sucks but I like to do it.


Anonymous said...

Apology accepted. I am sorry to hear about your loss, and it was never my intent to offend you. I look forward to the site.
Take Care.

Anonymous said...



Please point to the UN resolution which approved the invasion of Iraq? ...Obviously you cannot, because the UN never approved it. Resolution 1441 was the last attempt to gain approval but this was not passed as Germany, France, China, Russia and others all opposed the invasion.


Anonymous said...

You are an idiot. The allies of America in the middle East, namely Israel and Saudi Arabia, are the "evil doers" if you need to put it that way. Forget about defending the Iraq war, it was completely illegal-it was in no way a defensive move, nor was it approved by a UN resolution, so it was totally illegal in the eyes of international law. What about the 100-200 nukes israel maintains, why is it ok for them to have WMDs? Or the attrocities carried out on the Palestinian people for over 50 years? They live in modern day concentration camps. The Israeli settlements which occupy Palestinian lands are in breach of international law. Why is nothing done about this? Or the human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia? The repression of women who are treated as second class citizens. There is no democracy in Saudi Arabia, only a complete sham. Why not criticise all of these? ..Oh of course, because its all part of American foreign policy. The US is a leading terror state. Your country has broken international law more times than any other nation, yet you feel your nation is entitled to police the world. How dare you preach your lies, when the ignorance of the American population is responsible for empowering their leaders and allowing them to order and direct the murder of millions of people around the world. Few parts of the world are free from American interferrence and consequently destruction. Leave us alone and stop terrorising soverign nations, because if you don't, America will always be the target of terrorism.

PRESIDENT 2012 said...

sorry bucko... un did vote yes.......... fact

Anonymous said...

No bucko, it is a fact the UN did NOT vote for it. Again, please point to the UN Resolution which approved it.

Resolution 1284 did NOT authorise the use of force in the event of UN weapons inspectors not receiving cooperation. Also, when the UK initially proposed 1441 they said it did not authorise force. This was proven to be a lie and the resolution was NOT passed.

I sympathise with your losses and after reading your posts I do see you care greatly for innocent people and freedom. However spreading conflict throughout the world only serves to inflame the situation.

In Ireland in the 1920s when we fought for our freedom from oppressive British rule, they used many of the mechanisms the US now uses in its war on terror. Indefinate detention without trial, secret detention, murder of civilians, burning down small towns, execution of political leaders, execution of labour force/union leaders, execution of prisoners without fair trial (often without any trial), these were/are not the actions of a benevolent neighbour providing help. It is murder. There will never be peace in occupied lands while colonial powers maintain rule there through military and other means. Iraq is not free today, nor will it ever be while US forces remain there, and so democracy and freedom which you speak of will never be achieved under current US foreign ploicy.

Again, I would really like to know: Where did you got the idea the UN might have supported the Iraq invasion? Resolution number please.

(please answer the question! I apologise for calling you an idiot, that was not fair. You are after all subjected to a terrifying amount of lies/progaganda in US through the media, education system etc. To clarify, I don't hate America or you. I have a different opinion as a result of diffenent information is all.)


PRESIDENT 2012 said...

Perhaps you forgot the 17 UN resolutions Saddam violated and any of which permitted the US to act..... any of them. Gee sorry to destroy your theory.

Anonymous said...

There were plenty of sanctions approved by the UN against Iraq. And plenty of resolutions aimed at Iraq, some of which they did break yes, but none that I am aware of that authorised the force used. Again, please point to even one particular resolution that approved the invasion, you still haven't done so. A theory is only destroyed once proven incorrect, you have not supported your own theory with any facts.

Anonymous said...

Sorry actually 1441 was passed but it did not authorise the use of force. Another resolution was drafted afterward seeking approval for the war, but when Colin Powell realised the resolution would not pass, it was withdrawn.

In relation to resolution 1441 the ambassador for the United States, John Negroponte, said:

“ [T]his resolution contains no "hidden triggers" and no "automaticity" with respect to the use of force. If there is a further Iraqi breach, reported to the Council by UNMOVIC, the IAEA or a Member State, the matter will return to the Council for discussions as required in paragraph 12.[2] "

Articles 41 and 42 require another vote to approve the use of force following the failure all other attempts to resolve the matter.

Anonymous said...

So NO resolution was ever passed by the UN in support of the Iraq invasion. The war was illegal. IS ILLEGAL.