Sunday, May 07, 2006

HOW YOU KNOW President Bush is Correct.. look who is against him !!!!!


AmPowerBlog said...

Love this photo line up -- a true rogue's gallery. Keep up the good work.

asdasdasd said...

Thanks. I will link your site to mine. Also look at I am moving to Thousand Oaks, Ca. Your weather in CA is great. 40 years in central FLorida is too long.

Shimmy said...

Why didn't you put my picture there? Don't you like my dazzling, Brobdingnagian fur?

Hooray for our chains!

asdasdasd said...

No picture. Only allowed for folks who matter. Thank the Lord you can vote with you paws. Where is that Rotwiller when I need one?

Shimmy said...

I still want to know who kills more life on earth: Rumsfeld or avian flu? (And you can't use in your answer the 50 million Iraqis who greeted us as liberators.)

Rotweilers are terrifying. I scared a German shepherd once. Last weekend, I frightened a blind Bichon Frise.

asdasdasd said...

Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer. How about how many people have liberals and spineless anti war people have killed.... you will be surprised at the answer.

An Answer to yours... Rumsfeld hasnt killed anyone except Radical Muslims who think they cant get chicks until they kill innocent people. DId you see the Terrorist they caught in New York... he was shown in a video talking about Jihad that he "has to ask his mommy". Losers

Shimmy said...

Thaks, Dave, for a great post. I love how the photos on this page are set up, somehow, to be self-evident, when they prove nothing in and of themselves. Well, I guess they prove that Jimmy Carter once shook hands with Fidel. But it doesn't take much effort to find Saddam and Rumsfeld shaking, too, from those halcyon days before the faith-based "war on terror."

And it's shameful that he posts a picture of Nick Berg moments before Berg was beheaded. You'd wish that bloggers had a little more respect for human dignity and basic moral values than this.

asdasdasd said...

Reason for the Berg photo is that Liberals-Marxists like you have forgotten 911 and what Radical Islam is all about. THat is why we fight both the Terrorists and the Enemy Among Us.