Thursday, May 18, 2006

Immigration Plan on Steroids.... You can do it.

Immigration Bill in the Senate that President Bush can support is alive and well thank Goodness. Louisiana Republican Vitter had much to say, as does Chambless of GA. I think the compromise Bill might have some sort of Amnesty, no matter what you call it. I think what needs to happen is a total of 20,ooo US Troops on the Border while the same amount of INS Border Agents are hired. We are hiring Iraqi police in Iraq, I think we can hire Border agents. I would push for the following which I believe is fair to all:

1. Close the Border and other ways of entry such as JFK airport. Some people get Visa's from Guatemala to visit Disney World and you never see them again. Close that Border.

2. Build a Wall in area's where you can. And the wall doesn't need to be a 40 ft concrete wall but a fence similar to what Israel has done. And don't forget, they are protecting themselves from Homicide bombers. Yes drugs are coming in from Mexico but not too many bombers that we know of.

3. Build a Technology wall and support of a border. Using UAV's with Border agents on alert, fake rocks with camera's, soil motion detection to detect movement, etc.

4. Set up INS offices for Illegal ALiens to report for "internal Processing".... give them the rules and things they have to do to start the multi year process for residency or work permits. They don't have to be US residents, which I am not sure some want to be. I think some want to remain Mexican residents, but work here. We can do that.

5. Make sure a tamper proof ID is produced. With Computer technology advanced as it is, I am sure a great way to ID the Workers allowed in the US can be accomplished. I have a charge card with alerts that permit no one but me to use. I cant blink wrong or else it will freeze. I am not sure Credit cards are the companies to look toward, but I think the experts can come up with something.

6. Make sure employers report the IDs to the INS and SEVERE penalties are imposed for violations. With 1-5 in place and a workable plan for employers can be done. For example in Florida the State has a tax on 'stuff' in our offices. They tax us for equipment, desks, chairs, etc and they keep pretty good track of that. Additionally, the State has Labor Laws that make us comply with hiring, overtime, etc. I think it wouldn't be too much of an effort to add a Guest Worker plan to the mix.

7. A new Mexican Election is underway in Mexico and the hopes of Freedom in Mexico and maybe a new era depends on (in my opinion) Felipe Calderon, a soft spoken but honest and dependable man to lead Mexico. Our support should be immediate and welcoming once he is elected. In the event his Socialist opposition is elected, a Summit should be convened immediately to see how he wants to handle this issue.


1. If a summit is called and no cooperation from Mexico is forthcoming, a re-examination of NAFTA should be in order.

2. Privately I will along with others in the media should call for a Boycott of Mexico. This means not buying Ford Autos made in Mexico, asking travelers not to visit Cancun, and other Tourist spots, pressuring US Cruise lines not to make port in Mexican ports of call. Damage to the Tourism industry alone negate almost singlehandedly the estimated $20 Billion that flows back to Mexico from Illegal Aliens.

3. Privately a company called is already in talks with Central American Nations, South American nations, and some in Mexico to create a Billion Dollar Marshall Plan to develop those economies similar to what the US did in post World War 2 Europe and Japan. That effort made those past enemies the top economic powers they are today. will be online May 22 and will watch the Mexican Election closely. $100 Billion dollar program to build roads, power plants, schools, and provide assistance for business would do wonders in making Mexico the success that Canada is to our north. Of course, a complete change of culture and way of doing things in Mexico is essential to the success of this. There will be no payoffs, no bribes, and a rule of Law must be established in Mexico in order for this to succeed. No longer must the Drug Lords and Criminal Gangs rule the waves of Mexico's future. No more can 40 per cent unemployment be the norm. With this project in place, it can do wonders in stabilizing the relationship of Mexico and other region nations and turn them into a prosperous entity. The will is there with COMBO, I trust it will be with the Governments in question. good reading


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