Friday, June 23, 2006

Wonder why NY TIMES doesnt show this?

While the New York "once upon a" Times is divulging secrets and underminding the Bush Administration at every turn in the War in Iraq and Terror. Can you see the Liberal Press assisting Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in World War 2.


Anonymous said...

i guess its a good think patriots like ava lowery DO show things like 'this.'

saw your post on another forum about ava, where it was clear you'd only seen one of her many animations. she supports the troops STRONGLY, and shows MANY images just like this one. her uncles have served multiple duties in iraq, one is there now...

before you ask her to listen to you (as you did in your post), perhaps you should take the time to learn her PRO-SOLDIER position. being pro bush is not pro soldier- as a matter of fact, the opposite is true. bush couldn't care less if your troop buddies live or die, and his refusal to support the troops with anything other than words is more than enough evidence.

i understand how hard it is for a soldier to come to grips with the fact that he's been used in the worst kind of way. it took my father, a vietnam vet, 35 years to come to grips with it.

btw- since bush already told the world that he was going after the 'financial interests' of the terrorists, i'm curious HOW you or the talking heads can assert that ANYTHING was compromised EXCEPT an unconstitutional program that americans have a right to know about.

big brother, it turns out, isn't a 'marxist' after all... will be a bitter pill to swallow when they come for you.

asdasdasd said...

You cant support the troops and show children hurt and blaming the US over that. The Peace at any cost is not very smart. As I mentioned, I would take the "Peace folks" more seriously if I heard your Peace speak while Saddam was killing millions. You do know we have found mass graves? Where were you then.

It seems you are only around when you dis the US efforts. Ask any Marine and US Army troop and they will tell you they want to help the IRAQI people. Why arent you showing the Muslims killing Muslims, and outside Terrorists killing women and children.

You are not Couragous, you are mis guided in the least and dangerous for the safety of the US at the worst. A free Iraq will plant the seed for more freedom. Those sheep out there only know radical religous non sense and think they are going to heaven to get virgins. They are in fact heading the other way and the only virgins they are getting are Toasted. No different than the Japanese Kamakasis slamming into US ships at the end of World War 2.

The problem is not the US and blaming us and making fun of US Troops is not Courage. It is looney tunes 101. I can tell you as a US Troop if you count Fighter pilots you are not well liked among our US Troops because whether you like it or not, you are enabling the Enemy.

Just like, as you bring up the Vietnam war, that War was extended and more US troop were killed because you enabled the enemy. Dont beleive me? Read the Memiors of ex VietCong Generals. THey called the US Haters their "second front".

You and the Liberals like Howard Dean, etc are fighting the the US Troops more than any terrorist will ever. I call that Treason, not Courageous.

Truth is Couragous.... your Peace is Treason.

asdasdasd said...

Ok i did see the so called "support the troops video" .......... you have got to be kidding. You arent supporting them, you are mocking their accomplishments and bravery.

As usual you forgot some quotes: how about ... if it doesnt work look at and the May 23 post. You will see Kerry claiming WMD's in IRAQ. SHould I ask you to find Hillary's quotes, Billy boy Clintons quotes, Gores Quotes, Russia's Putans quotes, Teddy Kennedy quotes, Egypt President Quotes, Jordan President Quotes, .......... didnt see them on your VIdeo... hmmmmmm they call that Propaganda ..... something the Nazis would love to see.

While Clinton and his DO nothings let Al Quada flurish and kill Americans in Embassys and Ships (I didnt hear from you all then), Bush has finally done something. His Administration is basically 6 years of cleaning up the mess the Liberals have left us. If Clinton was more worried about the stuff on his desk instead of the stuff under his desk maybe we wouldnt see this mess.

Believe me, when Clinton and the Libs were in power, we in the Military had no respect for them. Bush is the first to do something about the threats against the US.

All the quotes were correct. We cant wait for a mushroom cloud.......... true. HEy why did Saddam fight us for inspections if he had nothing. We basically gave him, along with the corrupt UN and paid off Russians and French time to hide and maybe move the WMDs to Syria, as most believe. Look on the MIG fighter dug up.... do you think he wouldnt do the same with Nuke material? DOnt be so naive.

50,ooo civilians killed in the IRAQ war????? how many by Muslim Terrorists????? how many died with Saddam and his sons who set up rape rooms ????? 500,ooo- 800,ooo??????? WHere were you then???????

Just a number? How about the number of people BUSH has Freed????? 50 million. WHat did you do when women were killed in Afghanistan. You have NOOOOOO right to get on a soap box now. No right at all.

I bombed a group of Terrorists that they later found out killed 22 women and children and beheaded the men. THey ran out in the open and I came in on them with 2 500 pound bombs.... Where were you? They wont kill again. Iraqis will be safer.

Dont act like you are for the Troops.... you are hurting them, just like the 60's 70's punks did in Vietnam flying VietCong flags in Washington with Jane Fonda. You are not looking out for us. You think so, but you are not. You are killing us.

Peace is not Couragous, it is yellow. Just crawl back under the rock you people come from. BTW: that is as mean as I will get... the threats you all get is just as sick and I am sorry for that. DOnt be proud of what you are doing in my behalf..... I dont need your help. I need support, not Propaganda.

You gonna show the quotes you missed? I didnt think so.

asdasdasd said...

I forgot to address this FINANCIAL Anti Al Quada Program you mentioned AVA MO. See you are at it again. Saying it is Unconstitutional doesnt make it so. Appropaite Congressmen and women where told of it long ago, all pegged it totally Constitutional.... You throw that UnConstitional around pretty free... have you read it.... tell me the sentence that tracking Al Quada bank account is written there... come on, I dare you. It isnt.

See the problem is that you toss these words around with not only facts but at pure hatred for this President. you hate Bush so much that you dont mind making this country unsafe. Did you know that the Bank tracking plan ALREADY caught Terrorists? I didnt think so. You just make it too easy.

Also many in the press were briefed on the plan on going and the NY TIMES, LA TIMES... both Liberal Media and the Wall Street Journal ran the story. AND in their stories if you read them, never ever said they were illegal, unconstitutional or anything that violates our rights. It was an overseas project... Good Lord lady, you cant be this blind.

Your kool aid drinking is making you come up with stuff.

I wouldnt go after the NY TIMES... I wouldnt let them near the WHITEHOUSE any more than AL JAzzera or Ben LAden. Can you imagine FDR getting busted on the D-DAY landings in WW2. Do you know the likes of you Peace looney tunes even fought against that war like you did against Afghanistan???? WHose side are you on.

I wont call you names or tell you to leave the US. But call a Communist a Communist and a Marxist a Leninist. You are exactly that.

I would roast the President if he or Rumy was wrong.... but they are not. They are getting a fight from people like you who really are THE ENEMY AMONG US.

Amazing, uterly amazing how some people think.... how do you function each day????

Anonymous said...

Cause the NY Times are a bunch of pussys... Sorry to be so frank but they are..
F Em!

God have mercy on us if Hillary is in control..... Booom!

asdasdasd said...

amen... the Editor and Publsihers are old Vietnam war protestors