Monday, July 24, 2006


THE USA gets attacked and we attack Afghanistan and Iraq... Rightly so.

But Israel cant attack Terrorists who rocket them and kill and kidnap their soldiers.

Dis Proportionate my Butt.

Some of the US Liberals and the spineless lot in Europe are claiming that Israel is using way too much force in return for kidnappings and rocket attacks... what??????????????

The Nazi like Propagandists of Hamas and Hezbollah are showing the media the "crimes of war" by Israel bombing civilians and destroying the BEIRUT neighborhoods.

Earth to Lebanon: We are Rescuing you we are not invading you. Fight the Terrorists and kick them out of the civilian areas. I know they hide behind women and children so go after those that cant live in the 21st Century.

Time to push for Regime change in Iran and Syria. CIA do your stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you know how easy it is to "kick the terrorists out"? One example would be Northern Ireland-even with no links to the IRA and a hatred of them, as an ordinary civilian how do you get rid of them? They are the terrorists, they are the people who are happy to use violence to get what they want, how can the ordinary civilians who have the bad luck to live near them do anything?
The terrorists have the guns and bombs, and even if the local people don't support them, the terrorists get their money from outside states like Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran anyway so why would a terrorist care if his next-door-neighbour hates him?