Monday, July 17, 2006

OK Here is What I would do now in the MID-EAST.

If you think I am wrong click the TITLE of this post.

Ok. Israel has been fighting for us for a while and hurting the Terrorists. How I know is that they are trying to gather the Liberal European public opinion to ask Israel to cool it. Since we don't want Israel to "cool" it here is what I would do.

1. Place two Aircraft Carrier Groups off the coast of Lebanon out of Syrian Missile range along with the normal anti missile cruisers and Battle Groups.

2. Place B-52s in Germany and more US Strike Aircraft in Iraq, Turkey and Italy. Oh if Turkey says no then deny them NATO membership since they cant seem to back the American quest for Freedom.

3. Start listing targets in Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah controlled Lebanon. List Targets in Hamas controlled Gaza. By Targets, I mean the top 50 leaders in those organizations and the top leaders in Iran AND Gaza. We already have Iran's Nuke program on a list so underline those targets. Target Syria's WMD program facilities (which we all know they have). And if the 49th leader of Hezbollah is the Librarian, then so be it. She has got to go.

4. Drop leaflets warning people to not be near known government and military facilities. They have 2 days to move.

5. Send a Department of Defense official to see the Lebanon's military and ask them to join the Israelis and USA fight Hezbollah. If they join with Hezbollah all bets are off. Those poor Lebanon's people are living with thugs and are in fear of their Terror too.

6. Tell Russia to be prepared to help us with Cargo flights of humanitarian goods into war damaged Lebanon. Have them our partner and not a help to Iran and Syria. Or tell them to butt out.

7. Tell Red China (and it is RED China.... Not China BTW) that if they interfere, the 2008 Olympics will not happen. You remember them, the ones that helped North Korea kill 50,000 Americans in the Korean War?

8. Provide Satellite and CIA intelligence to Israel and offer predator drones and Anti Aircraft battery's if needed.

Israel is pretty strong and have the 2nd Best Military in the World, but if they need help, I would wait a second to help.

9. Provide a hot line to Hamas and Hezbollah for surrender and make a place for that to be conducted. No plans for more negotiations. Israel already left Gaza and Hamas attacked. Israel left Lebanon and Hezbollah attacked. So they don't have a good track record for peace.

10. If you see any Parades in the Streets with Hamas and Hezbollah or Iran or Syria............. Bomb them..... Immediately.

WE ARE IN A WAR......... they started it again, we will finish it.

THE ONLY WAY TO Avoid mass HAMAS AND HEZBOLLAH Leadership deaths is to pick up the phone and make plans to surrender and then we can formulate a plan that hopefully will work............ Placing Hamas and Hezbollah on .......... "Double Secret probation.".


Anonymous said...

go fuck your self asshole
the world will not move forward if there still some blood maniacs like you and your bush

Anonymous said...

You are one dumbass sob.

the world doesn't work like the playground asswipe.

You are full of big strutting talk, but this ain't war like you used to play as a kid. If you are old enough, think about the Viet Cong...

Stupid fuck.

The enemy lives with the citizens in every case. Cowardly? sure, but that is da rules. just like the Cong they can kick you macho ass & slink back into the population.

All of you pictures of jets & ships are worthless in this case. Like using a tank to kill termites. you will do a lot of damage but the termites will still be there.

now go play with your plastic army men & leave the complicated thinking to someone who can.
