Sunday, March 02, 2008


Almost in every case, if we have to look to politicians for help and ways to improve life, we will be disappointed. Whether it be the slow response by a Florida Democrat Governor Lawton Chiles and President Bush in the Hurricane Andrew of 1992 to the disaster at Katrina, time to let the Politicians know, we don't believe their crap anymore.

CBSNEWs has a 15 sec commercial but here is the video that should Shame Congress and the last 4 White Houses:

Slums are still slums even after Clinton got the "first Black President label" and the Democrats conned the Voters that they care about the minority voters.

Even while Insurance Companies have Billions in Profits and fight their customers at every turn to pay for storm and hurricane damage. With Senators in their pockets they have circumvented the laws by changing policy guidelines to favor their payouts on policies

And when the Under Insured and un insured and hard working people are ignored by the White House and Congress, then it is time to tell the politicians to shove it.

I just love to see former Clinton or Former Bush advisers on TV as talking heads with all the answers now. But worse is the Newt, and Al Gore's and Maddy Albright or Susan Rice ( the one who let Ben Laden go in Sudan) get air time on CNN, Fox and MSNBC diatribe of lies and re writing history.

Now there are the True Heroes that have to come from private Citizens like REMOTE AREA MEDICAL. org. who embarrass the Politicians who talk about helping those in need. It is really funny you can get Pres Bush 1 and Clinton to Indonesia and Thailand to help those in need but we cant get any help to those in need in Appalachia or working towns across America for people who need help.

In this video my 60 minutes showing the works of this Medical Group that now is helping Americans instead of those in Ecuador or Cambodia.

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