Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lettermans Top 10 Signs Bush has too much time on his hands

Top Ten Signs President Bush Has Too Much Time On His Hands:

10. Spends most of the day looking for friends on Facebook

9. Stops by Cheney's office every five minutes to see if he's still alive

8. Calls leaders of foreign countries yelling, "Baba Booey Baba Booey"

7. Sits on the White House lawn and waves at cars

6. The man is a walking encyclopedia on "The Hills"

5. Gives the 3 p.m. White House tour

4. Earlier today, he washed and waxed Air Force One

3. Doing a three-episode stint as a sexy assistant on "How I Met Your Mother"

2. "President is on the Trampoline" isn't Secret Service code, he's actually on the trampoline

1. Finally catching up on unread intelligence memos

Pretty close to being True. President Bush kept another 911 from happening and took the fight to Al Quaeda. Something Clinton was criminally neglect in not doing his job. But Good golly man, (and White House Folks), you protected a nation burning from within. It is like the 1880 Army in the US West protecting the Fort from the Indians while there was flu, polio, cancer, and worse in the fort being protected.

Nothing on ENERGY, nothing on the BORDER, nothing for HEALTH CARE, nothing on POVERTY, nothing on the CRIME epidemic killing the cities, nothing on Veterans benefits, nothing on Education, Nothing on Infrastructure in Bridges, FAA, Roads.

NOT sure what Bush does all day, but a little leadership was squandered. While I prayed everyday in Thanks to the Lord that AL GORE and JOHN KERRY were not elected, I also prayed to get some fire under Bush to DO SOMETHING TO let us know someone is home.
I am not campaigning in 2008 and contributing in 2008 like I did for Bush in 2000 and 2004...... I am not looking to Washington DC to make my life better. I will do my part to improve life in the USA in spite of who is President not because of who is President. John McCain should win in a large Electoral college landslide if Obama is the Democrat Candidate without Hillary Clinton, but I don't see any of the concerns listed above to be addressed as well with a President McCain.

2012 will be very interesting as will the mid terms in 2010.

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