Thursday, April 10, 2008


Since Clinton did NOTHING for most of his 8 years, and Bush, while protecting us from Terrorists Clinton let run amok, did nothing for most Americans too, I think it is time for me, as President to do SOMETHING............ ANYTHING. AND if the lazy Congress does nothing, I will name names at every Press Conference.

Here are my first 100 days:

1. ) NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN: Meeting with all Congress members and Senators. Tell them there is a NEW Sheriff in Town. I will TRY to work with them, and take advice and ask for help even from the most Liberal agenda Driven Members. But if they fight me, I will shame them by naming names at every opportunity and show their voters how they are impeding efforts to help the Americans. When I get done with them, they might not get a job as a Wal-Mart greeter.

2.) HIRE A "Quality of Life" CZAR: He or she will direct efforts to fight the epidemic of crime. Money for Police will Triple and helping them get the best tools. This includes jazzing up the State Attorneys and Judicial arena's and making sure Judges do their jobs. When Judges let offenders with 28 crimes out on the street, I will put the Judge out on the Street in shame.

3.) COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE: Assist and rebuild and repair Minority neighborhoods: Provide pre school and Family assistance centers to address any needs that the people in the neighborhood has. Criminals running amok will not exist, Drugs and other crimes will be fought, Family and Child abuse will be Nuked, and Neighborhood Heroes will be available to provide and direct assistance as needed.
In cities like LA, No MS13 gangs or Bloods and Crips will be welcomed, illegals will be arrested and mailed back to their country and their country will be billed.

4.) PRISON REFORM, CRIME and JUSTICE DEPARTMENT reform: Violent criminals will have their keys thrown away, but low level criminals will have to go through programs of Reteaching them how to be productive citizens. In EVERY prison or Jail, there will be a program to help prisoners who are to be released to be given a RELEASE boost to provide a transition to get a job, place to live and lessons how to live. They will not be allowed, in many cases, to return to their old neighborhood where they committed crimes unless massive support is in place. Education programs will be provided in Prison and skills of today will be taught. No one will be released with out a new take on how to live life.

5.) POVERTY AND WELFARE: Poverty will be wiped out in America. County community assistant centers will be set up in mobile and standing centers. Mobile Health care and Mobile Assistance will be provided. Education will be provided to stop the cycle of poverty that these people learn. From poor sections of California valleys and inner US cities, and American Indian reservations to the extreme poverty in Appalachia, this will not stand in the USA. Private assistance along with religious assistance will be desired and encouraged through Presidential leadership and not another Government program. THERE WILL BE AN ELIMINATION OF CHILD AND SPOUSE ABUSE as well.

6.) MASSIVE INFRASTRUCTURE: Must be rebuilt. New Bridges, roads, airports, Tunnels will be improved and built. No Earmarked wasteful projects like the Alaska "bridge to nowhere" will be tolerated. The FAA will put a rush on the new method of Air Traffic control called "NEXTGEN" that will place the Airlines Air Traffic control in the 21st century. Over 10 million new jobs and maybe 20 million jobs are expected to be created.

7.) ENERGY POLICY: A Manhattan project to come up with no OIL energy and transportation will begin. It will be a 5 year program, since it is my belief we might not have 20 years of current oil prices and production. No Ethanol, no Hydrogen technology will be funded since it is a replacement of one wasteful technology for another. Massive research into Nuclear FUSION will be provided... this is different than today's Nuclear power plants with nuclear waste issues.

8.) BORDER AND IMMIGRATION: Secure the Border and other entry points and police the people whose visa's have expired. If the National Guard has to be brought it while 30,000 new border agents and ICE agents are hired, then so it must be done. Have a 21st century Computer programed Illegal data base with matching employee based data. In other words, like taxes and FDIC and other compliance issues are addressed by a company, workers must be in compliance. Similar to the new Illegal employee law in Arizona, companies will be audited just like they are in various laws: Heath, insurance, OSHA, etc. If the companies can comply with that, they can know who their workers are. If caught with hiring illegals, the company and CEO will face fines, if caught a second time, they will be closed... just like local liquor laws. If it is good for Night Clubs and Restaurants and places where Alcohol is served, I think Companies can comply. IN case some loon or left wing Socialist thinks I am racist, I will encourage DOCUMENTED employees from anywhere even Mars. But they must sign the Guest book and get the proper documentation. If arrested or convicted of a crime, they will lose the Documented Status. There will also be a term limit to American Citizen ship for new arrivals... You wont be able to come across the border and have a baby and automatically become an American. You will have a minimum of 5 years of good standing to qualify.

9. ) FOREIGN POLICY and NATIONAL SECURITY: A Marshall Plan similar to the Post World War 2 Marshall plan that rebuilt war torn Europe to become the top World economies. Aid to Mexico and Central America to build those nations so that illegals are motivated to stay and work in their soon to be thriving country. Massive Strings attached will be the elimination of Corruption and Crime that is the norm in Mexico, for example. No more aid to the PLO and other nations who don't have the USA's back. Some estimated that ex PLO chief Arafat stole over $3 Billion in US aid and placed it in French Banks where his wife resides. A total revamp of the State Department. Their computer system is so old that much of their work and data bases are inefficient. No more holding hands with Middle East dictators or Sheiks who hold the US by its neck when we are not looking. Economic pressure will be afforded those who oppress their own people and export terror and pain to others. Corrupt African nations, Terrorist enabled OPEC nations, and Marxist Latin American countries... be afraid, be very afraid. And you don't get an embassy job by just helping on a political campaign. The CIA will be rebuilt after the destruction by Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. Human Intelligence that is reliable will be top priority. Next time there is a threat to the USA, I want the proof and not the word of a Clinton appointed George Tenet who tells the President and Congress "there is a slam dunk".
And if you have a Name with "former" this or that in front of it, you better be really good at what you did. If not, you will need to move from Washington DC after shamed by me.

10.) GOVERNMENT WASTE and STRUCTURE: Massive audit and reorganization of the US Government and assist State Governments to become lean and mean. Over 20 per cent of Government employees is considered wasteful and duplicate and inefficient. The Department of Defence, Dept of Energy, FAA, FTC , FCC are loaded with waste and fraud and laziness. For example, the FCC and FTC leadership is to have the back of consumers. But yet mortgage Fraud, illegal and Fraudulent products run amok on TV. From Bald cures, to Cancer cures to illegal products are all over the Commercial TV. The FCC leaders are impotent when ABC and NBC have filthy language on the TV and do nothing. I WILL WANT TO KNOW WHAT THESE Departments DO ALL DAY. The Government Accounting Office (GAO) w2ill in itself be reformed to have the power to enforce the law and go after waste in the government. THE DOD, has a budge of nearly $500 Billion and now some say we cant even field 150,000 US Troops???? what. Norway can do that. !!!

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