If this moron, Bob Barr ruins ANY chance for John McCain to be President by taking votes away, he will invoke the Nuclear option for us. Ross Perot ruined it for Bush41 in electing Clinton who received only 44 per cent of the vote. THIS TIME NO LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY. BOB BARR, who cant even win his own Congressional district has got to be out of his mind.
Here is what we will do if he continues this lunatic run.
1. WE will make a list of all his contributors and if they are a business, we will ask those in their communities to boycott them and shun them. If they elect a democrat with their process, we will make business very hard for them. Since an Obama Liberal Administration would be disastrous for the Nation, the folks who enable this will be nuked.
2. WE will boycott any publisher, Internet provider, or anyone who is enabling Bob Barr in his sabotage of any GOP Administration.
3. We will show in a Full page ad any contributor of Bob Barr and hold them as Liberal enablers.
4. If a liberal is elected and harm comes to US citizens through acts of Terror, we will sue Bob Barr and his contributors as co-conspirators.
5. Bob Barr will be followed with Paparazzi that will make Brittney Spears jealous. We will video tape his actions, his dog and how he functions to further threaten the US.
6. We will expose any of his major contributors in the same way.
7. We will run TV commercials in this race and warn the people what a loon you are. No one will come to your press conferences. We will show them also on Video tape.
BOB BARR.... you have been warned. Help elect a Liberal in the WhiteHouse (since YOU AREN'T GOING TO WIN you complete Moron, then pay the price economically).
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