Friday, May 30, 2008

Some Thoughts of todays News.

Several things:

1.) Another Loon at Obama's Church. A Catholic Priest goes reverse racist and sexist against Hillary for Obama. One question. Does this church preach the Word of God or just hate Whitey stuff. I know they help the poor, but John Gotti had a great Italian-Amercian party every year and Hitler ran the railroads on time. I also would like to see who Obama's friends are... since all his friends we see are lunatics. Any level headed Friends please apply.

2.) As a Christian, I am also disturbed at the people in that Obama church who have their hands raised to God (usually reserved for Glorification of God, not lifting it up hate to the Lord). They also are jumping around like morons enabling this stuff. I can tell you accurately that if My Pastor started talking about blacks and hate and how bad the 'N's" are, there wouldn't be one person remaining at the church. Thank God it would be that way. So I have to worry about the souls of those in that church

3.) How to figure out you are correct or not in voting. See who wants one guy or the other... Who wants Obama: MSNBC, TIME, LATIMEs, NYTIMEs, Teddy Kennedy, Rev Wright, Hamas, Hezbollah's, Hate Whitey Reverse Racists, John Kerry, Venz Pres Chavez, John Edwards, and other HollyWeird loons.

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