I would venture to guess that Ludacris, the Obama supporter who is another Creepy friend of Obama, released a sick video.
I think Ludacris is a felon too. Like most Thug life Rappers and Rapper wannabes who have fallen for the Hip hop scam also have criminal records instead of High School diploma's. They get rich on the destruction of the State of Black America with it being not cool to get an education, wearing underwear out side, and hats cocked crooked with gang bandana's the Rapper dress code. They cant get jobs because these Music rappers have taught the black youth their culture and have taken the saps out of the job market, the political arena, and any chance for excellence.
While the Hip Hop Obama supporter thugs like Ludacris who thinks women are less than dogs, and Nas who hates Foxnews to gain publicity for a dud of his latest CD that is bombing. Maybe, just maybe, the jog is up and people are witnessing that these millionaire rappers are selling Thug life that is the new self induced Slavery for black America.
Check the record of these "artists"... and I bet, they cant even vote in most states. I think you can check this Free at http://www.criminalsearches.com/. Here is T.I.'s weapon charge and WHY HE CANT VOTE ..........http://www.mwza.com/ti-to-plead-guilty-on-weapons-chargesfaces-a-year-in-jail/
So while coming out as Obama supporters that will just be another creepy friend cant even vote.

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