Friday, August 29, 2008


If any liberal felt the earth shake and tilt it was the tilting of the Earth today when 18 million Hillary voters and on the fence GOP voters allllll tilted to the McCain-Palin camp.

Sarah Palin with a fantastic family and life accomplishments and loves the USA. In a post weeks ago, Palin was my choice.....and I am usually not that accurate.

She will destroy Biden in the debates when she asks him to defend the Liberal votes to stop supporting the troops who were in battle, votes against even Gulf War 1 while the entire Free World was for that war to help Kuwait, and his #3 liberal voting record to DO NOTHING concerning Energy, drilling, refinery's.

She has more experience that even Obama and unlike the Beltway boy Biden she isn't the old Senate same ole same ole that I guess Obama has decided not to Change.

While never doubting McCain's victory in November, now I think this might be a larger landslide than I thought with the VP pick of Sarah Palin.

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