Click the title post to see the courage of Estonia, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, and Latvia standing side by side against the Russian aggression. I know Russia is still 30 years behind the rest of the world in Quality of Life, but they forgot this in the 21st century and not the days of the Cold War and Stalin that Putin (Mr. KGB) dreams for.
Russia, this will cost you. No G-8 membership if I had it my way, no WTO membership, no US Defence Cooperation, no Acting like Putin is our Friend. Act like an enemy, then be the enemy. We wont go into a Cold War... we should just shun anything Russia does. Don't include Russia in any Global meeting, and put it in the Global aspect as a Third world nation acting like a Top Nation. Russia's economy is about as large as ONE US State. Punks acting like top dogs, when Russia is where it should be...... ignored, lame, and insignificant.
To tick off Russia, I would urge NATO, this week, to invite these former Soviet Republics to become members of NATO. NOW.

Like you, my friend, I'm staunchly conservative, a long-time Republican voter, and by no means a lover of anyone or anything liberal: But I think your suggestion that we work harder in order to "tick Russia off," a rather ill-thought statement.
Truth is, Russia's right to turn back yet another NATO missile insertion at her southern border, just as we Americans would rankle if Russian troops suddenly took up positions in Mexico or Canada.
With hundreds of thousands of American troops stationed throughout the Middle East in the fight against Islamic terrorism, it would do us well not to attempt to reopen a Cold War with Russia right now, lest the Russians humiliate us at the diplomatic table in pointing out that we've countless more troops stationed abroad than they.
Sad fact is, we're treading on thin philosophical and diplomatic ice when badgering the Russians on Georgia.
The only problem with that thinking is that Russia is supposed to be our new friend. Friends dont pick fights. We arent putting missiles in Georgia also. We are putting DEFENSIVE missiles in Poland to knock out at most 20 ICBMs or IRBMs from a Russian accident or IRAN or Pakistan radicals. We cant stop an all out attack from Russia, we cant stop their sub ICBMS, etc.
If I had a friend living next door who cocked his gun every time I visited him, he wouldnt be my friend. If we build up Former Soviet Republics, that would make for larger customers for Russian Energy. Ukraine, Italy, Latvia, All former republics, Czech Republic, etc are 100 per cent dependent on Russian Energy. Russia isnt building up these nations... the US and west are.
Russia has just had some sort of Inferior complex for 60 years that they have to make themselves important to others. Sounds inmature to me and in a nation with armies, it is dangerous.
I am making it my passion to eliminate Big Oil from transportation thus taking out Saudi, Russian, and other bad guys revenue. That will shut Putin up and his Billions will dry up.
Russia is not our friends and need to be treated as much.
The difference between our troops and theirs abroad is that we free people, the invade and conquer their victims. The UN ok'd Irag, Putin ok'd GA attack... that is the difference.
YOu have to understand, as a conservative, more about the Russian agenda and the Red Chinese agenda. I am moderate actually in many things but I just have a thing about defending a person or nation that gets bullied. Deep down I am sure you would help too.
You're wrong from the beginning, my friend. Russia's not "picking a fight," she's defending her southern border--a border porous for potential terrorist activity and susceptible to the installation of missiles designed to reach Moscow. NATO missiles.
Russia is slowly being surrounded, and her people are well aware of it. Had we in the West truly been concerned with Russian interests, we wouldn't have manipulated Georgia so--emplacing American troops inside the country, continually encouraging Georgia to join NATO (how many nations does it take to bolster NATO, anyway?)
If you had Russian troops stationed in Mexico and Canada--and they were continually seeking to undermine American interests--you would be riled. Riled enough to call in American troops.
Georgia opened the fighting by launching rocket strikes against South Ossetia. Only then did Russia attack. Neither Iraq nor Afghanistan attacked the U.S.
Moscow did indeed give the go for an American invasion in the Middle East. Seems that Russians are unconditionally devoted to fighting terrorism, while the U.S. is fighting with conditions--just as we did in Vietnam. We were wrong on urging and approving Kosovo's independence. We went about it the wrong way, and the Russians are right to be angry about it. We're double-dealing from the deck, and Moscow knows it. It's likely that our European friends know it, too--hence their remarkable quietude when it comes to bombastic American talk toward Russia this week. This is likely the first time in twenty years that Russia's been right about an international diplomatic incident. The U.S. should be big enough to admit that we're attempting to encircle Russia through stealth, and that our efforts in Georgia failed when Tbilisi decided to go for South Ossetia's throat.
Chalk one up for the Russians this time.
Wow.... that is the same Putin Talking points. We only have 160 US troops there and refused their NATO request. If not picking a fight... last I checked Gori and Tbilisi isnt at the border.
WHo in the heck told you we have NATO missiles in Georgia... we dont.
Why are the Russians thinking we are 'surrounding them" Stealthly.... man o man, you arent a US conservative. You are probably Russian and only have their un free press to get the information that gives you these wrong conclusions.
Contrary to the Putin controlled press, Georiga did not attack first. Russia massed Troops there for months, without any top level discussions with the Georgia Governenment to come to a peaceful conclusion on the status of the Osseta region.
The ones who were attacked was Russian controled rebels who attacked Georgia and then Russia says. "oh, see they attacked us". It is a normal MO of Russia since Hungary.
Proof you are a Russian, is saying Kosovo shouldnt be Free. That is for sure a Russian party line.
I am glad NATO today cancelled all cooperation with Russian Council and they should give NATO membership to the former republics now. After all, Russia is our Friend... right? }
What are they afraid of. THey should embrase the Free and prosperty coming to their borders. I only wish Mexico would be Free, less corrupt and not suppling the US with illegals and Drugs.
I wanted Russian troops to help us in Afghanistan, but these Friends still havent lost the Cold War mentality, bu helping Iran build nuclear plants and maybe weapons, supplying Iran with AA missiles, and voting against massive UN approval in Iraq. Russia is on the wrong side of history for the past 50 years over and over again.
Russia has lost. I call for a boycott and treat them as the 1962 Soviets the leaders still have embraced. Too bad they cant have regime change with a corrupt election process where Putin jails oponents. Can you imagine Bush jailing Obama?
YOu defend this? Oh please. Stay off the Russian propaganda news sites.
Would you approve of Russia emplacing troops and missiles in both Mexico and Canada, and then asking these two nations to join Moscow as partners?
Vermonters have recently stated that they'd like to secede from the U.S. and form their own autonomous republic. Many observers believe these dissenting Vermonters communist-inspired. How would you feel if Vermont successfully seceded from the U.S. and allowed the emplacement of Russian troops and missiles there? What would you do if they did?
I spent 26 months as a U.S. Marine in Vietnam facing Russian-made bullets: Do you truly think me a Soviet-sympathizer just because I think the Russians are right on the war in Georgia?
I voted three times for a Bush and will vote for John McCain come November: Still think I'm a commie?
OK slow this time..... WE ....are NOT ...putting... missiles.... in Georgia ....and only 160 trainers.
Vermont to leave the Union... best idea you had. Maybe Russia can kill off the child molesters there who get 4 months for raping an 8 year old..per Bill Oreilly
Georgia just didnt leave... the UN gave them and the other Republics the OK as did RUSSIA. Now they want their toys back... I DONT THINK so.
Russia didn't start the war in Georgia, son. Get your argument in order.
Again, how would you feel if Russian troops were emplaced in both Mexico and Canada, against the wishes of Washington? How would you react if the two countries then endeavored to enter a formal partnership with Moscow, a partnership designed to encircle and weaken the U.S. militarily and economically?
NATO has long sought to emplace missiles in Poland, and may already have such missiles in place. Russia has reason to fear similar missile emplacement in Georgia. For whatever reasons, the U.S. has sought to piss Russia off, and that we've successfully done. Trouble is, our ally, Georgia, got too big for her pants, attacked ethnic Russians in Ossetia and Abkhazia, and got her assed royally whipped--all while the U.S.--an antagonist in the fight--stood by and did nothing.
Truth is, we can't do much militarily, because we're already overstretched in both Iraq and Afghanistan. An early supporter of our invasion of Iraq, I'm now beginning to believe that the operation wasn't worth the cost. At any rate, after five years in Iraq and counting, we were militarily unable to stop the Russians from kicking ass on the Georgians, and don't think the Georgians'll be too quick in forgiving us for leaving them swinging from the end of their noose. Ask the South Vietnamese.
Russia started it. Massing troops then attacking. Like me hitting a 3 year old kid. Tough Russian army chicken shits.
South Vietnam wouldnt be the people to ask.. we left 50ooo dead there. Ask the John Kerrys, Hanoi FOnda and the Liberals who are all grown up with hair cuts why we fought that like assholes. Winning battles and we lose. Ask The thugs in the US streets who waved the Viet Cong flag... you know better than that.
If the Russian Army is today a bunch of "chicken shits," why haven't we thrown them out of Georgia? After all, there are only 20-30,000 there, if that many now.
Personally, I think you're kind of a dummy, son. And you never answered my questions--for one, you can't answer them without admitting the truth about our role in the Georgian war.
resorting to name calling... I answered them all. I wouldnt mind if Russia put 10 defensive missiles in Mexico.. no I wouldnt mind. That is all that is going in POLAND. And you do know Russia put dozens of Offensive SS missiles in GA, like the ones they used in Checknia to take out a district loaded with children.
I would airlift 1000 US troops to Tblisi too and fly air cover like we did in Bosnia.
Russia blew it, and they dont care but it will not be forgotten.
Dummy is someone who thinks we have missiles in Georgia. Oh brother.
A blogsite without comments. Pretty much explains your intellect and gift for discussion.
Not sure about your intellect... I posted allll your comments.
Oh and to answer your question you asked if we would be mad if Russia would put troops in Mexico. I would like the Russia that was to be our friend to put troops there but not the KGB one. And if they have 10 shoot down nuke missiles I would welcome them... more the better. But since the Russians NEVER intend to be our friends and Russians as a people have inferior 101 problems with us, then I think we should befriend the neighbors who want to live in the 21st century.. unlike Putin and his Billionaires.
Come on man, think. They say when you resort to name calling you lost the debate.
You argue like a child, son. Small wonder you're the only one blogging here.
You wanna' debate the Georgia-Russia war, you say? Then do it openly, at Russia Blog. In that way, more people than me can see just how incredibly stupid you are.
THe rule is that when you start calling names, son, you lose the debate...... SO NO BLOG FOR YOU.... like the Soup nazi.
Come on admit it, your a commy.
Sorry Putin lapdog... no more comments from you..... like all losers of debates you have resorted to name calling and hate.
Go back to Putin the little dickhead.
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