If you click the title post you will see the non sense from Kathleen Parker at the National Review. In that she claims Sarah Palin is not a good choice for John McCain. ONE WORD ON THOSE WHO HATE SARAH PALIN.......BULL.
Sarah Palin, hang in there and you and McCain will win. Obama is being talked up by the Media and now you are being questioned by people who are allllll the experts now but for the past 16 years have sat on the side while a White house in the hands of a serial Rapist and another in the hands of a do nothing guy, people like Kathleen Parker have sat silent. They will never understand America, right or left. The left and right are not only stuck on Stupid, they want to make the same mistakes over and over again.... some call that insanity.
The only argument against her are fake claims like I heard on CNN Showbiz by Jane Velez-Mitchell while Sarah was defended by Pat Lalama. Jane repeated the lies that Sarah pushed for Creationism in Alaska schools to Separation of Alaska and Banning of books at the Library... all myths not even serious loons repeat..... all disproved already and apologized on page 43 by the New York once upon a TIMES. I guess the memo of those fact checked never reached the Hollyweird loon Velez-Mitchell. Maybe her Lesbian kool-aid thinking has clouded her mind. Jane, we as conservatives don't care what you people do, we just don't want you jamming down your values like you don't want us jamming down ours. Anyone who has to pull out the lies like we see in Bush the Nazi time, cant be taken serious. Stay to your Brittney stories for crying out loud.
Oh, and Velez, don't hate Palin because she is a Christian and believes in certain things you hold abhorrent. As a fellow Christian, I am work in progress and not as thick skinned as most. I will say this, that I never ever let liberals dictate my happiness factor. When the day comes when I worry what those like you think is the day I need to rethink my faith. Contrary to what you learned in Ellen DeGeneres school, Christians like Sarah, don't hate you.. in fact they love you more than you probably love yourself. The way I describe it ... it is like California... I love California even those in Florida tell me about the loons, nuts, earthquakes and crime. But it is so nice in California, they are wrong, but to convince those people who have never been there is like convincing you who have not experienced God. It wont make a bit a sense, and you who hate and lie like you did on CNN today, actually CONFIRMS our faith. Christian 101 tells us that those who are in faith is hated by the World. And if we abide in the World, like you do, the faith does not abide in us. So instead of your words hurting people like Palin and me, we are confirmed by your words.
And the other mindless Obama supporter, Marvet Britto, of the BRITTO AGENCY, who claimed that THE VIEW was a great place where the Ladies ask the great questions so that voters can make the correct decision on Obama or McCain..... Oh like, "obama you are so cute, and what is your favorite desert, and oh you are so nice and handsome.... while McCain gets grilled by Babs and that Loud mouth Queens chick Baywhore. And some one tell Whoopi, who lived and learned in old Communist East Germany in the days.... the USA isn't BERKLEY or Brooklyn.
Sarah, as most call her, is a breath of fresh air because she is us, she is not a vindictive liar like Hillary and her Hollywood supporters. She is thoughtful while not knowing everything like the pendents and so called experts claim to have cornered the brain cells in power. These same experts are silent when while the USA burns, they still claim to have the answers and should be displaying the banner MISSION UNACCOMPLISHED.... not mission accomplished.
Not only will the Obama votes see defeat in November, they for years will claim the victim again. The Washington insiders will continue to be the experts but without any solutions.
As Sarah said in her acceptance speech, she isn't going to Washington to please the Talking heads on Cable news or the mindless Conservative and complete moron liberal writers. No matter the regurgitating of the myths long destroyed by these Obama supporters concerning Sarah, she excels and moves on. She will win in spite of these Bad Americans, not because of them.
Perhaps Kathleen missed the 60,000 people who flooded to THE VILLAGES community NW of Orlando. 11 people became ill with the heat and thousands drove more than 5 hours to see her. That is hardly a public over with Palin.
No fake concert to get those numbers like used by Obama to make it look like he is the rock star. The only rock I see is when Sarah and McCain win, the left and the right loons will go back under their rocks..... and be afraid, be very afraid of reform and rethinking how this government has been lost to ignore the regular folks.
Sarah will win and those who vote for her understand that she is what is great about the USA. I don't want the career beltway losers for office like Hillary and Biden and Obama in the mix. I want fresh thought and new ways to do things. You cant ever understand that, Super Liberals.

Marvet Britto, Obama loon who votes skin color and not how thick it is. in her wisdom of the 2008 election.... moron.
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