Wednesday, November 05, 2008


One good thing if Obama wins is that it is an end of Black victim hood. So I hope no more 70 percent of births out of wedlock, most black students with 8th grade reading education and astronomical drop out rates from High school. Maybe some Black high schools can now get over D+ ratings. And if I see one more black citizen hanging out at the corner bar with Mad Dog in his hand I will slap them in the back of the head. Al Sharpton and Jessie "shakedown" Jackson has just been put out of business.

While I will back my President, who ever, I will keep a close eye on them and more than likely in 2 years the mid terms will go Republican like they did with 2 years of Clinton. I just hope not to much damage is done in 2 years of Pelosi and Reid calling the shots.

I am happy for Obama and the Change that I think in 2 years we will regret. But I pray that he succeeds. And I was one that teared up with Obama's speech. I am hopeful but dont think the Black American have no clue how to take this and run. Since Elections run in cycles and the GOP did sit on a majority and did nothing in Congress (as did the Corrupt democrats), they deserve this. While keeping us safe, Bush couldnt walk and chew gum and address the other issues...... JUST LIKE CLINTON COULDNT do anything about border, energy, etc..... 16 years of incompetence is enough. I also did like Obama saying he will try to not hire Former this or that from failed years.

The State of Black America which is in TOTAL destruction similar to THIRD WORLD Pakistan in crime, unwed mothers, abortion rates, DID I SAY CRIME... 90 percent of murders in Memphis, Orlando, Cleveland, Philly, and LA are by black repeat offenders.So since I have a library at a Southern Black college in Florida named after my family and we committed to 20 years of assistance in scholarships, this election just saved me money. No more help, they can go to Obama and Pelosi for help. While we fought to make America proud of the Black community with Bill Cosby but was fought by the people who lived on hate, reverse racism and victim land, then You are on YOU OWN.SO I guess this means no more robberies, Drug sales on the streets of USA cities being afraid of going to an ATM at 11 pm, and no more Affirmative action.

So, can I walk at 2am down the streets of Downtowns in the USA next month.... I don't think Change will hit the Stuck on Losers.



Go Mojo Go said...

I agree with everything you conveyed however, ALREADY blacks are stating that this "historic" event does not mean racism has ended. Now the diatribe begins "when a black man can find a good job in this country, THEN..." and "when a black man can drive through a white neighborhood without getting pulled, THEN..." - well you know the deal. Same old, same old. Blacks will have an excuse for their failures until the end of time and will find new excuses no matter what the situation. Period.

There is not a continent on the planet where blacks take responsibility for themselves and better themselves as a whole. Whether Africa, Jamaica, Bahamas, Dominica, Haiti or anywhere else on God's green earth blacks are the predominate population, you do not see progress being made. Truth be told, if it weren't for the horrible act of slavery, most blacks would still be swatting flies and living in a hut with a dirt floor and a life expectancy of 35.

The U.S. is one of the only places on earth where effort and hard work is expected from everyone in order to achieve success and that expectation has proven to be too much to bear for blacks with few exceptions.

Any oppression a single black has known in this lifetime is the cause of their own oppressive mindset - a mindset encouraged daily by one another and by pastors (Rev. Wright) and black 'leaders'.

EVERYONE has been called names, has been stereotyped and most people are just trying to make it through each day, struggling to pay their bills and trying to remember to put the trash out on Monday morning. Being black does not exclude you from the harsh realities of life we ALL face. Nor does it excuse your taking responsibility for your failures.

All that having been said, I am sick of wearing kid gloves and walking on eggshells for the entire black race. Grow up, pull your damn pants up and act like you have some sense. Speak properly, dress properly, work hard and you will find that only thing stopping you from achieving like the rest of us is your attitude and own mental slavery.

Every other race has been able to join the human race and be successful in America - why are blacks the exception? I do know one thing. They can't blame it on whitey any longer. Obama has raised the bar for all of them. What they perceive to be the single greatest historical event in their lifetime may just have ended their pity parties. Remember! Always be careful what you ask for - 'cause you just may get it.

PRESIDENT 2012 said...

I just hope some with pride will stop acting the fool... racism doesnt make one rob a store or rape or murder in a drug deal. It is Stuck on Loser.