Tuesday, December 23, 2008


LOSERS OF 2008 !!!!!!!!

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1. PROP 8 Fascists: Those Gay activists who lost an election now are resorting to Nazi like intimidation, retaliation and protests against those who Voted YES for Prop 8. While never wanting anyone Civil rights violated, this Marriage crap for Gay folks is nuts. Earth to Ellen DeGeneres... Marriage is a Religious thing sanctioned by GOD. I am not sure how you can Ask God to sanctify how Gay couple consummate the marriage. Sorry Charlie ... NO MARRIAGE FOR YOU !!!! I am in enough trouble with God to go against everything HE stands for as well as every religion on the Planet.

2. Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Chris Dodd and other Liberal Lawmakers: Hey dick wads, thanks for that 8 percent approval rating that gave us the Meltdown. I don't like your world, you losers.

3. Chicago Sewer: Obama, Felon Resko, Rev Wright, Bill Ayers, UAW, Mafia, Criminals, and Gov Blogo. How Obama has all these Friends and claims to be clean. Sewer 101 tells you when you live in that Chicago Sewer you end up stinking the same. I will be utterly amazed if Obama finishes up 4 years without some crime in the Whitehouse. While I will pray for Obama to clean up the mess of the last 16 years, I will watch his corrupt friends and Clintonesta's very close. Be Afraid Liberals, be very afraid.

4. Corrupt Liberal Media-MSNBC, etc: In the most blatant attempt to influence an election EVER, the New York Times, NewsWeek, MSNBC, CNN and others self destroyed the honest media who is the watchdog of government. I will never forgive you.

5. OJ Simpson: Karma took that guy to Prison. Oh for those who feel sorry for the guy, you might have forgotten what he did to his ex wife and friend.. here they are to show you what an evil person he is. Hope he dies in prison after a talk with Bubba.

6. John Edwards: Typical Liberal loon and I now have doubts on the mental status of any one who supported him.

7. Auto Companies: For the last 40 years , these Corrupt Union led companies deserve to go bankrupt. With Oil scares, and worries they have fought seat belt laws, ripped off people who have come up with automotive inventions, and never pursued technology to get us off Oil.... maybe the Oil Companies should loan the billions to the Auto Makers like a Heroin dealer can bailout his addicted customers.

8. Wall Street: I love it when I see Hedge Fund CEO's and people making a profit on our pain who get some of their crap back. Trading in corruption and greed... one word: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. One remedy.. you could jump. The implosion that is taking down capitalism is a shame.. and to still ask for bonus's, and rewards.... JUMP !!!!

9. OIL COMPANIES: You creeps playing the middle class and people who have to take your drugs to live.... $150 a barrel for oil and Trillions to the Middle East and Russians... you got to be kidding me. I hope to make Oil $20 a barrel when I am done with you. Billions in profits and I didn't see any new drilling. Assholes.

10. Celebs Hollyweird: Crappy movies, and Liberal Actors who are now Political experts... from Fat ass Oprah who has a new Age Religion to the loony left USA HATERS. I wouldn't buy a Nikon Camera for $1. And Oprah has gone loony on God.

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