Thursday, July 13, 2006


Watching the news on the latest War in Israel, Gaza and Lebanon. Some PLO spokesman moron yaped about the Isrealis bombing children, "in their Beds"... They arent but lets accomidate these PLO, Syrian and IRanian representatives. Lets make the burden of actions by Hamas and Hezbolah and the Terror States the responsibility of those who make the decisions to fight. Bomb the President of Syrias house, his Foreign Minister offices, and ditto the Iranians. Let them pay the price.

Lets see if I have this right. Iran is protected by Red China and Russia... Again like Iraq was. Iran is supporting Terrorists in the Middle East:
Fact: Iran backed Hezbollah killed over 200 Marines in the bombing of the Marines Barracks in during the Reagan Administration.
Fact: Israel caught the ship loaded with numerous Weapons heading to the Terrorists and the PLO.
Fact: Iran is thumbing his nose at the UN and USA by not bundging on stopping the build of NUKES
Fact: Iran is totally supporting Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon while the rest of the World tries to make peace between the PLO and Israel.
Fact: Syria is supporting the Terrorists Hezbollah in attacks against Israel. They even have an auxiliary office in Damascus.
Fact: All this recent fighting started when the Hezbollah punks killed Israel Troops and kidnapped one and 2 more later.


OK....... High time to stop the Fun and Fight WORLD WAR 3 NOW:

I don't want to see innocent children and civilians killed at the expense of action by the leaders in Syria, Gaza, and Iran. Sooooooo

Here is the Plan if I were President:

1. send an official (in Secret) from the State Department to Syria, Iran, and at the PLO headquarters and tell them they have 48 hours to get their act together and come up with a plan to be held in Egypt or Saudi Arabia. They have to publicly outlaw Hezzboah and Hamas and make peace with the borders that exist now. Their incentive: Tell them they wont live out the weekend. Since we are not "doing the traditional send in the Troops" method that will harm US Troops, Israel troops, and innocent people............ We aim to be different.

2. Knowing Iran for one wont do this I would have massive Military intelligence shadowing the players like the leaders in the Syria Government, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. I will know exactly where they are.

3. At the same time I would be in contact with opposition government factions who want peace and democracy in Iran and Syria.

3. After 49 hours squadrons of B-2, B-52, B-1 bombers along with high explosive Cruise Missiles totaling 2000 units would target the leadership of the Terror players above. Anyone with a Carpet on their head would be dead. This would include the Iraqi mullahs who run militias against USA Troops. And would include the Afghanistan War Lord-Heroin Poppy Makers who help the Taliban.

4. Place 2 Carrier Groups off North Korea along with Bombers based in Guam on Red Alert. Target the Looney Tune "great Leader" and his leadership and military infrastructure. Also contact more sane opposition leaders there too.

5, Hour 50 will start a world wide bombing by Air Force, Navy Aircraft against above targets.

6. Continue till Hour 100.

Tell Red China that they wont have an Olympics in 2008 if this happens. Tell Russia and China they can talk to Iran and Syria and Terrorists after our Whitehouse Rep leaves.

Tell them in hour 1 to 47 they have those hours to convince Iran, Syria and PLO to come to do # 1 above.

Since it is time that the people whose actions kill innocent people this will result in those Terrorist leaders suffer the brunt of the pain. If they know they wont live a week or else, and still don't come to some sort of common sense, then we plan to accommodate them,

Syria leaders, Iraq mullahs, North Korean Loons, Iran Carpet heads Be afraid, be very afraid.


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