Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Heads Up NEW YORK and WASHINGTON... according to Pakistan guy


A little known news item that I pray is not true. The problem is that the source is a reliable sourse of intelligence.

He claims that AL Quada is text messaging Muslims to leave Washington and New York ASAP. THey believe Nukes have been smuggled in from Mexico via the open border that no one in Congress and Whitehouse has the will to close.

If it is discovered that a Nuke has come in from that Border, John McCain and those who have been dragging their feet to close the border better not show their face ever again. This is the threat the Lou Dobbs, and Bill Oreillys, and Sean Hannitys have been alarming us to.

The problem I have with the story is that Al Quada could care less about Muslims and Others so warning them isnt in their history.

If it were me, if those cities were attacked with nuclear weapons I trust the retaliation would be against Pakistan cities, Mecca, Gaza, Damascas, Teheran, and other Muslim holy sites, Falujah, mountain regions of Pakistan, and any other target rich site that is the home of Radical Muslim.

The fallout....pardon the pun will not only be the destruction of anything remotely Radical Musliim, but there will shame on the DO NOTHINGs in the Government who are playing nice nice with the UN, France, Russia, China and those so we can obtain some sort of "nations of the willing"..... That will be the end of getting others to join us that the left wants before the US military acts.

Gloves will come off and I hate to say it, it might have to take the destruction of a US city to get the US Military via the Whitehouse to take that hand from around the back.

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