Friday, May 16, 2008


Recalculating my Electoral College Predictions post Rev Wright and Bill Ayers.... creepy friends of Senator Obama. Here is my prediction as best Obama can do and Worst Obama can do. In every case McCain will have a Landslide Electoral College Victory over Obama that will rival the Reagan-Carter landslide but not as bad as the Nixon- McGovern 1972 election. If you recall your history Liberal Dukakis was 15 points ahead of Then Vice President George Bush until Bush 41 won in a landslide. Liberal is the thing that doesn't get you elected. And Obama is the more Liberal than Carter, Dukakis, or Kerry.

Here are Obama only wins:

Vermont, Maine, CT, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Illinois, Maryland, Virginia (maybe), Massachusetts, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico( maybe) , Hawaii, Iowa, Michigan (maybe), DC, Missouri (maybe), Minnesota, Penn (maybe)

Obama will not win California or New York.. traditional Liberal haunts. Rudy will help McCain win NY, and Charlie Crist ( maybe the VP candidate per my view) will bring Florida, and Ohio will not go Obama.

So if you add the Obama States....

You get: (if you add the Maybe's....... at best Obama):

Obama................... 207

McCain ................. 331

If Maybes dont go Obama it is a landslide for McCain:

Obama.................. 148

McCain ................ 390

Obama's only prayer will be California and New York which will go GOP this year.

The closest I see it is Obama getting CA, NY, MICH, Penn and all the NEast. with

Obama .................. 243

McCain ................. 295

No way will Michigan go Obama.


Anonymous said...

Yes, McCain will win by a landslide. All the Christians in the South will come out and vote for McCain. The majority of the elderly in this country are conservative and will vote for McCain. Many independents who sit in the middle will go for McCain. I agree that McCain will be the next president of the United States. He will get my vote. He will make a great president.

Anonymous said...

you're an idoit. It was, and still is, Big Corporate Republican thinking that got us in the mess we're in now. Don't be so stupid to fall for a fear based campain. America needs a change, even Republicans are trying to get you to believe that they're the change you need when it's really more of the same.
Let's all grow up and move on....

Anonymous said...

You must feel like a real idiot now...

PRESIDENT 2012 said...

Last I checked the election hasnt happened yet ... moron

PRESIDENT 2012 said...

Hey Moron, it wasnt the Republican Corporation... it was Barney Frank and his boyfriend at Fannie Mae and Chris Dodd who got a great VIP mortgage at Countrywide. And it was the Liberal Democrats who had the Wall Street backs.... ask Greenspan and his MSNBC wife Andrea Mitchell. Change... to Socialism.. that will work,, NOT

Anonymous said...

Wow. I know that hindsight is 20/20, but you seriously thought California and New York would go McCain's way? Obama's win in California was the widest in history! He won 61% - 37%. That was wider than former California Governor Reagan's presidential victories over Carter in 1980 (52% - 35%) and Mondale (57% - 41%). Obama won New York 62% - 37%, also the largest margin of victory that state's history.

PRESIDENT 2012 said...

That is why I dont get the big bucks... I even think Ventura County, normally a Red county went blue. wow.maybe it would have been different if the Democrats didnt enable the meltdown of the economy.. you do know Congress controls that... see my video in an earlier post. But hey, we have to get together. Like Carter, I think Obama is there for 4 years.